As we assess the state of the world at this moment in history, it’s undeniable that our work to transform society needs to be wholly braided with the transformation of individuals and communities. Deep liberatory practices of culture, ritual, and relationship must be embedded within our organizing practice to model and inspire new ways of being, of relating, of communing. Rigorous liberatory analysis of the conditions of our world, grounded in the lived experiences of our members, must be the basis for our long-term vision and action. This transformative view of organizing comes out of an approach rooted in decolonized popular education and movement building. Movement Matters practices this type of transformational organizing in every aspect of our capacity building work. The creation of transformative spaces is hardwired into our training methodology, practice, and content. It serves as an anchor for the work we co-develop with our grassroots partners and in our accompaniment of their organizers, members, staff, and leaders. It guides how we engage funders who are expanding the horizons of their work. We are also constantly seeking to learn from and highlight peers who explicitly incorporate this approach into their work. Transformational organizing is a lens through which we explore how people envision, how they build, how they sustain. As we continue nurturing this crucial work, we want to hear from you! Share your stories of building culture, of incorporating community arts in organizing, of connecting people’s experiences to a transformative vision of the world to come. We hope you enjoy and are moved by our stories of accompaniment of this work within our spheres. We wish you many moments of ease and restoration, joy and laughter as we move through the difficult months ahead. -The Movement Matters Team For more information on our approach and work, connect with us! Movement Matters is based in Washington, DC. We work regionally and with national partners. Comments are closed.
October 2024